Sunday, 17 May 2015

Saying Goodbye

The time has finally come — I need to move on...say goodbye, out with the old and into something — really bright white!

It's hard to say goodbye to something that has been with me through my first fencing lesson and my first tournament, but eventually, everything gets old and worn out. My old fencing jacket is no longer up to competition standards. So the UPS truck brought me a bright new white jacket with features I didn't even know I needed. Like a sparking titanium white fabric that doesn't bobble. What the heck is bobble? I'm a costume designer and I don't even know what bobble means.

It also has a sporting cutwhich sounds very jauntily British, and a stylish grey ice® "dry layer" to wick away moisture. It even has Microsan in the fabric to help kill bacteria so I won't smell bad. Really? I don't smell — do I?

All these new advancements and improvements make me wonder how I ever fenced in my plain old 100% cotton jacket with heavy cotton lining.

In theory, you could fence in your father's old dress shirt if it wasn't for the FIE rules and regulations and the fear of being perforated.

Happiness is new fencing gear
Jaunty styling and stink-free fabric isn't really that much of an improvement over my cotton jacket. I'm waiting for the day when jackets are made of fabric that completely protects from bruising and are self-cleaning.

Until then, I'll retire my old jacket to the over-and-done-with box, and set my sights on a new mask - maybe one with a custom paint job!

I fence, therefore I am