Monday, 15 December 2014

Why do I want the Pebble Test Box?

It's on my list.

my number 2 text box
 Leon Paul Pebble Test Box
I have two test boxes. The first clunker was delivered DOA, and like a few other online purchases of fencing gear, it was not worth the expense to ship it back. It sits on a shelf as testament to today's workmanship and our throw-away society. I'm hoping I can attribute some Zen meaning to it.

The second tester I purchased has been with me for years. It's a standard piece of equipment in my gear bag at every tournament. The design is functional — portable, indestructible and reliable.

I was perfectly happy with my number 2 test box, until Leon Paul sent me an email announcing the new Pebble Test Box, for epee and foil. Immediately, I wanted to chuck out my old metal box and buy this new polycarbonate gizmo. — Why?

Overlooking the really cool video and the slim futuristic design, the Pebble does the same job as any other test box, with the exception of fitting into the back pocket of your nickers, something I'd never do anyway.

The description says, "...a super simple weapon tester, green for good, red or orange for bad...".

I like this feature; simplicity is always good. The Pebble tester eliminates having combinations of lights. The combination lights aren't rocket science, but it is annoying. 

The description also says the lights are accompanied by a buzzer sound. The buzzer, I could do without - not a fan of things that buzz at me.
All these features taken into consideration, does the Pebble warrant spending $37.00 American plus tax? Shipping at Leon Paul is free but there is alway the possibility of duty fees. 

It's like so many things in life, new, and modern always seems to be better. Having the latest gadget somehow gives us a perceived advantage over those with last year's model. 

Will it make me a better fencer? I wish. In reality - maybe.

When you own the latest equipment your ego is given a boost. It's as if you have told yourself that you are worth it, you deserve the best and therefore think of yourself as a better fencer. If you have the newest painted mask, you feel like an olympian. 

This works the opposite for those without the latest equipment. When you see another fencer decked out in the newest and best, it's human nature to think that that fencer is somehow better than you. They were able to attain something you weren't and that makes you think less of yourself.

At last year's CanAm Cup, the American foil fencers showed up with gear all labeled with splashy logos. When they donned their masks with American flags painted on the mesh, I felt slightly underdressed, like I'd shown up to a black tie event in fuzzy slippers. I had the sense that they had to be good because someone invested a lot of money in them and expected results on the piste. 

Intimidation by equipment! Insidious!

In a sport where psychology plays a major roll, having the psychological edge over your opponent, even if it is as superficial as a flag on a mask, or a sleek new Pebble tester in you back pocket, the price might be worth it. If it brings you confidence - go for it - whatever it takes to perform your best on the piste.

If new equipment boosts confidence, it would take more more than a new box tester to up my game. I still have a retro-fit lame glued on my mask and that should be my priority. 

Do I still want the Pebble test box? – Oh yeah! It's still on my list.

I am, therefore I fence


1 comment:

  1. Did you ever get round to buying that pebble and if so was it a good buy?
