As a designer, I love colour. As a fencer — not so much.
When a fencer wears
coloured socks on the piste, two thoughts come to mind. Either he is a challenging opponent and knows it, or he is a nub and doesn't know it. One way or the other, colour is making it's way into fencing.
Allstar FIE 1600N Coloured mask - |
In the past few years, fencing traditions have been swallowed up by the commercial need to engage more participants and spectators. In this regard, pistes have been illuminated with coloured lights, masks have been painted with crazy patterns and there have been multitudes of
rainbow coloured fencing clothing.
The slide away from white fencing uniforms began with little splotches of colour on the non-sword arm, club logos and flags. Then colour slid down the leg and adorned the nickers. Any day now I expect to see Coke and Mountain Dew advertisements splayed across back pockets.
Do we need coloured fencing clothes? Isn't fencing exciting enough on its own?
I don't mind
fun socks once in a while, but I fear the recent addition of seven coloured socks from Leon Paul. These are entertaining for college and university clubs who want to show their team spirt, and not lose each other in a crowd, but what happens when the socks go
Coloured Advance Fencing Socks - |
In the hands of the average fencer, or in this case, on the feet of the average fencer, coloured socks could morph into tartan and paisley!
Allstar Women's Foil lame - |
It's not only socks and masks; there are coloured lames, sword handles and blades. Where will it end?
Can we agree to leave colour out of tournaments? I'll accept
coloured gear for the club and JFF
tournaments, but please, keep it white for serious competitions. The last thing I want to hear on the piste is the announcer commenting on my opponents fashion sense.
A white fencing jacket gives a nod to fencing history and it equalizes people on the piste. They begin a bout on equal terms, not prejudged by what they are wearing. Tennis, went down the same road that fencing is headed down — relaxing uniform rules. You don't have to look very far to see where that went - Venus William's 2010 lingerie tennis dress...
Fencing uniforms are made for protection. There are no points for costume design in fencing. Some fencers claim the addition of coloured clothing is progress and individualism. Maybe so, but I swear I'll give up fencing if they add sequins and theme music.
I am, therefore I fence